Take two: The world has turned upside down!

An dàrna turas: Tha an saoghal air a dhol bun–os–cionn!

Let's have a look at this conversation again.

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Dè cho math 's a bha na sgiobaidhean eile?

How good were the other teams?

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Bha iad uile math. Chanainn gun robh sinn uile co–ionnan. Ach bha fhios ’am gun robh cuid dhiubh air mòran airgid a chosg air trèanadh is coidseadh is eile.

They were all good. I would say we were all equal. But I knew that some of them had spent a lot of money on training and coaching and so on.

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Dè tha ceàrr air a sin?

What's wrong with that?

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Leis nach e luchd–spòrs proifeiseanta a bh' annainn. Tha gnothaichean mar sin a' dèanamh diofar ann an dèanadas (coileanadh).

Because we weren't professional sportspeople. Things like that make a difference in performance.

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Agus am b' fhiach e dhaibh an t–airgead a chosg?

And was it worth it for them to spend the money?

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'S dòcha gum b' fhiach. Ach rinn sinne a' chùis, ge b' oil leotha!

It might have been (worth it). But we won, despite them!

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'S e rud a tha math mu gheamannan do luchd–spòrs neo–dhreuchdail nach eil an toradh a' crochadh air airgead. Cha bu chòir dha, co–dhiù!

One good thing about games for non–professional sportspeople is that the outcome doesn't depend on money. It shouldn't, anyway!

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Tha mi a' dol leat. Tha an t–uabhas airgid an lùib spòrs proifeiseanta a–nis.

I agree (with you). There is a lot of money involved in professional sports now.

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Tha an saoghal air a dhol bun–os–cionn! Chanainn gu bheil spòrs drùidhte ann an airgead eadar sanasachd, sponsaireachd is tuarastail luchd–spòrs!

The world has turned (gone) upside down! I would say that sport is awash with money between advertising, sponsorship and players' salaries!

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Cha tug thu iomradh air cosgaisean chluicheadairean eadar na diofar chlubaichean! Gu dearbh, tha an saoghal trumach air shearrach.

You didn't mention the costs of players between the different clubs! Indeed, the world is topsy–turvy

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Mas math mo chuimhne, an–uiridh chosg cluba ball–coise ann an Sasainn suim airgid a bha do–chreidsinneach. Bha i cho cosgail 's a tha sgioba na dùthcha seo gu lèir!

If I remember correctly, last year a football club in England spent an unbelievable amount of money. It was as expensive as this country's whole team!

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Tha eagal orm nach cuidich suim airgid sam bith sgioba na h–Alba. Uaireannan, mar as motha de gheamannan, 's ann as miosa a chluicheas iad.

I'm afraid no amount of money will help the Scotland team. Sometimes, the more games, the worse they play.

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Haoidh! Cò air a tha thu a–mach? Sgioba nam fear no sgioba nam ban?

Hey! What (Who) are you on about? The men's team or the women's team?