Complete for 2 points

Cò leis thu?

Who are your people?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Bha mi aig a’ chomann eachdraidh, a’ dèanamh beagan rannsachaidh air mo shinnsearan. I was at the historical society, doing a little research on my ancestors.
Tha torr fiosrachaidh aca mu dheidhinn sloinnidhean, nach eil? They have lots of information about genealogy/surnames, don’t they?
Tha gu dearbh. Bha mi a’ bruidhinn ri fear, Alasdair MacColla, Alasdair a’ Chnogain. They do indeed. I was speaking to a man, Alasdair MacColl, Alasdair a’ Chnogain [Alasdair of the Jar].
Alasdair a’ Chnogain! Is esan bràthair m’ athar! Carson nach eil thu a’ faighneachd dha do theaghlach fhèin mu dheidhinn sin? Alasdair a’ Chnogain [Alasdair of the Jar]! He’s my father’s brother [my paternal uncle]. Why aren’t you asking your own family about that?
Leis nach eil mo sheanmhair is mo sheanair beò, agus chan eil mi dlùth ri m’ athair agus tha mo mhàthair a’ fàs sean! Because my grandmother and my grandfather are not [no longer] alive, and I’m not close to my father and my mother is getting old!
Ceart ma-thà. Mar sin, cò thu? Cò leis thu? OK, then. [Right then]. So, who are you? Who are your people [to whom do you belong]?
Is mise Fionnlagh mac Alasdair mac Aonghais Bhig ‘ic Iain ‘ic Sheumais ‘ic Ruairidh. I am Finlay, son of Alasdair son of Small Angus son of John son of James son of Rory.
Abair e! Cha tèid mise cho fada air ais sin! Wow! [You don’t say!] I can’t go back as far as that!
Siuthad! Innis dhomh. Cò leis thu? Go on! Tell me. Who are your people [to whom do you belong]?
Fuirich mionaid. Is mise Anna nighean Dhòmhnaill Ruaidh ‘ic Peigi a’ Mhinisteir. Wait a minute. I am Anna daughter of Red haired Donald son of Peggy daughter of the Minister.
Agus a bheil fhios agad air taobh do mhàthar? Cò b’ e bràthair do mhàthar, no piuthar do mhàthar? And do you know about your mother’s side? Who was your mother’s brother [your maternal uncle] or your mother’s sister [your maternal aunt]?
B’ e bràthair mo mhàthar Seumas a’ Phuist, mac Chaluim ‘ic Sheonaig. Agus b’ i Anna NicIlleMhìcheil, Anna nighean Uilleim mac Dhaibhidh, piuthar mo mhàthar. My mother’s brother [my maternal uncle] was James of the Post, son of Calum, son of Joan. And Anna Carmichael, Anna daughter of William son of David, was my mother’s sister [my maternal aunt]
Sin thu fhèin! Bha siud sònraichte! Cò eile a th’ againn? Well done! That was excellent. Who else do we have?