Take two: The summer is brimming over with festivals

An dàrna turas: Tha an samhradh a' cur thairis le fèisean 

Let's have a look at this conversation again.  

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'S e samhradh air leth a bhios againn am–bliadhna, Iain, nach e?

It's an exceptional summer that we'll have this year, John, isn't it?

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'S e gu dearbh. Feumaidh sinn planaichean a dhèanamh agus tiogaidean a cheannach tràth, ge–tà. Tha an samhradh a' cur thairis le fèisean. Càit an tòisich sinn?

It is indeed. We'll have to make plans and buy tickets early, though. The summer is brimming over with festivals. Where do we/will we begin?

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An dèan mise liosta de na fèisean as fheàrr leam, agus …

Will I make a list of the festivals I like/prefer and …

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… agus nan dèanainn liosta de na fèisean as fheàrr leamsa, cuiridh sinn an dà liosta còmhla!

… and if I make a list of the festivals I like/prefer, we'll put the two lists together!

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An toil leat a bhith a' campachadh aig fèisean no a' fuireach ann an taigh–òsta, no àite–fuirich eile?

Do you like to camp [be camping] at festivals or staying in a hotel, or other accommodation?

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Bidh e a rèir dè seòrsa fèise a bhios ann. Cha bhithinn a' campachadh aig Fèis Dhùn Èideann, ach bhithinn toilichte a' campachadh aig Fèis Chiùil Thiriodh, fhad 's nach eil an t–uisge ann!

It depends what kind of festival it is. I wouldn't camp at the Edinburgh Festival, but I'd be happy camping at (the) Tiree Music Festival, as long as there's no rain!

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Tha thu cho èibhinn! Dè seòrsa fèise as fheàrr leat? Beag no mòr?

You're so funny! What kind of festival do you prefer? Small or large?

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'S e an ceòl as cudromaiche dhomh—agus na daoine a thig còmhla rium. Bidh na còmhlain mhòra a' cluich aig Fèis Bhealadruim is HebCelt—sin Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall.

It's the music that's most important to me—and the people who come with me. The big bands play at Belladrum and HebCelt—that's the Hebridean Celtic Festival.

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Ach cuiridh mi geall gum faigh thu blasad de na còmhlain òga ùra nach eil cho aithnichte aig na fèisean beaga far nach eil sluagh cho mòr.

But I'll bet that you'll get a taste of the young new bands that aren't as well–known at the small festivals where the crowd isn't as/so big.

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Tha thu ceart! Nuair a bha mi na b' òige, bhithinn a' dol gu na fèisean ionadail, 's mi a' cluich na fìdhle agus a' dannsadh. Abair spòrs!

You're right! When I was younger, I'd go to the local fèisean (festivals), playing the fiddle and dancing. What fun!

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Mar a thuirt thu, 's e an ceòl, an craic agus na daoine a nì an fhèis!

As you said, it's the music, the crack and the people who make the festival!