Relationships, feelings and health

Dàimhean, faireachdainnean is slàinte

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Dàimhean, faireachdainnean is slàinte(Relationships, feelings and health).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • A' bruidhinn air dàimhean, faireachdainnean agus slàinte | Talking about relationships, feelings and health
  • Deasbad: a bheil na meadhanan sòisealta a' toirt droch bhuaidh air ar slàinte-inntinn? | Discussion: is social media having a negative impact on our mental health?
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms

You will also learn about:

  • buadhairean càileach air thoiseach air an ainmear | qualifying adjectives before the noun
  • a' chopail (the copula) with nouns/adjectives/pronouns (a-rithist) | the copula with nouns/adjectives/pronouns (again)


A rèir do mheas ort fhèin, measaidh càch thu.
As you value yourself, others will value you (you teach people how to treat you).