Do you remember B1 Cuspair 6 where we saw verbs that go with certain prepositions?
This will happen with adjectives and nouns too.
We must use the correct preposition with each adjective or noun.
pròiseil à
proud of
moiteil à
proud of
cuimhne aig + air
memory of
meas aig + air
respect for/love (for) + on
dèidheil air
fond of, keen on
sgeul air
sign of
We saw the verb leig (permit, allow, let) in B1 16A Duilleag Mìneachaidh and it is an interesting versatile verb:
Leig leam sin a dhèanamh!
Let me do that!
Leig leis
Leave him alone
Cha leig/ruig thu leas
You don’t need to
Cha robh mi ach a’ leigeil orm *
I was only pretending *
(* Remember that we could also use a’ cur an ìre for pretending.)