Prepositional clauses and phrases
Clàsan is abairtean roimhearach
Deiseil? | Ready?
In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Clàsan is abairtean roimhearach (Prepositional clauses and phrases).
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- Clàsan roimhearach | Prepositional clauses
- Gnàthasan | Idioms
You will also learn about:
- abairtean roimhearach | prepositional phrases
- a' chopail le ainmearan/buadhairean/ riochdairean (a-rithist) | the copula with nouns/adjectives/pronouns (again)
Tha a bheul gun fhàitheam.
He wears his heart on his sleeve (lit. His mouth is without a seam.)