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An e droch naidheachd a th' ann?

Is it bad news?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Halò, ‘s tu fhèin a th’ ann! Seadh. Och, ‘s bochd an naidheachd sin. Seadh. Och, a thruaghag! Tha mi duilich an naidheachd agad a chluinntinn. Abair ri Stefan gun robh mi ga fhaighneachd. Mar sin leat an-dràsta. Hallo, it’s you! Yes. Oh, that is bad news. Yes. Oh, you poor thing! I’m sorry to hear your news. Tell Stefan I was asking for him. Bye for now.
Cò bha siud air a’ fòn, a Mhàiri? Who was that on the phone, Màiri?
‘S e Peigi a bh’ ann. It was Peggy.
An e droch naidheachd a th’ ann? Is it bad news?
‘S e. Tha i fhèin agus Stefan, a cèile, air sgaradh. Yes. She and Stefan, her partner, have split up.
Abair droch naidheachd! Bha iad cho sona còmhla! Dè thachair? What bad news! They were so happy together! What happened?
Bha trioblaidean aigesan fuireach san dùthaich seo. Chaidh an t-iarrtas a dhiùltadh an turas mu dheireadh. He had problems staying in this country. His application was rejected last time.
Och, is duilich leam sin a chluinntinn. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Bha i a’ caoineadh ‘s a’ rànaich air a’ fòn an ceartuair. She was weeping and crying on the phone just now.
Mo thruaighe. ‘S cinnteach gum fàg sin an dithis aca tùrsach agus brònach. Oh dear. That will surely leave both of them sad and disconsolate (sorrowful).
Uill, tha mi gu math duilich mu na thuirt mi riut roimhe! Tha co-fhulangas agam rithe! Well, I’m very sorry about what I said to you before! I sympathise with her!
Is truagh an suidheachadh. An gabh e leasachadh? It’s a terrible/pitiful situation. Can it be improved?
Chan eil fhios ’am. Nam biodh iad pòsta ma dh’fhaoidte gum biodh cùisean na b’ fhasa. Bidh fios aice air na rudan sin. Fònaidh mi thuice! I don’t know. If they were married maybe things would be easier. She will know about these things. I’ll phone her!
Ach dè thuirt mi riut mu theaghlaichean, a ghràidh? Thoir an aire air do ghnothach fhèin! But what did I tell you about families, dear? Mind your own business!