Complete for 2 points

Glèidhidh mi fonn

I can hold a tune

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Haidh, Iain, tha fios ’am gur e neach ceòlmhor a th’ annad. A bheil thu eòlach air briathrachas ciùil? Hi, John, I know that you are a musical person. Do you know musical terminology?
Bidh mi a’ cluiche na fìdhle ceart gu leòr agus bidh mi a’ seinn. Ach a bheil mi math air seinn? Uill, ‘s e ceist a tha sin! I play the fiddle right enough and I sing. But am I good at singing? Well, there’s a question!
Ach tha thu eòlach air briathrachas ciùil agus thèid agad air ceòl sgrìobhte a leughadh, nach tèid? But you know musical terminology and you can read sheet music, can’t you?
Tha, agus thèid. Carson a tha thu a’ faighneachd? Yes, and I can. Why are you asking?
Tha mi airson pàirt a ghabhail sa Mhòd ambliadhna, ach chan eil mòran eòlais agam air na gnothaichean sin. I want to take part in the Mòd this year, but I don’t know much about these things.
A Mhàiri, tha mi cho toilichte sin a chluinntinn! Bidh thu seinn laoidhean is sailm san eaglais, nach bi? Màiri, I’m so happy to hear that! You sing hymns and psalms in church, don’t you?
Bidh. Agus ‘s e sin a thog m’ ùidh ann an seinn, ged nach do ghabh mi òran, mar gum biodh, bhon a bha mi san sgoil! I do (sing). And that’s what sparked my interest in singing, even though I haven’t sung a song, as it were, since I was at school!
Ma dh’fhaodte nach eil thu cho eòlach air diofar sheòrsaichean òrain a gheibhear ann an ceòl traidiseanta, leithid port à beul, cumha no òran gaoil. Ach cuiridh mi geall gum bi thu eòlach air sèistean agus rannan ann an òran, agus gun tèid agad air fonn a ghleidheadh. Perhaps you are not that familiar with different types of songs you can find in traditional music, such as a port à beul (mouth music), a lament or a love song. But I bet you’ll know choruses and verses in a song, and that you’ll be able to hold a tune.
Tha mi eòlach orra uile agus glèidhidh mi fonn—no port! Ach ‘s e comasleughaidh ciùil a tha a’ dèanamh dragh dhomh. I know them all and I can hold a tune—or a tune! But it’s the ability to read music that bothers me.
Na gabh dragh! Cha tèid aig cuid de na seinneadairean is luchdciùil as fheàrr pong—no nòta—a leughadh! Don’t bother (about that)/No problem! Some of the best singers and musicians can’t read a note (sounded)—or a note (written)!
Cha robh fhios agam air a sin! Bha mi a’ gabhail dragh mu na pongan – no nòtaichean, na buillean agus na loidhnichean ud is fichead mìle rud eile! I didn’t know that! I was worried about the notes—or notes, the beats and those lines and twenty thousand other things!
A bhrònag! Bheir mi taic dhut—chan ann air a’ phiàna(!)—agus innsidh mi dhut nach fheum thu ach claisneachd ghleusta, deagh ruitheam, guth seinn—agus deagh bhlas! Chì thu! Poor soul! I’ll help you—not with accompaniment on the piano(!)—and let me tell you that all you need is a keen ear, good rhythm, a singing voice—and a good accent (pronunciation)! You’ll see!