Feuch e: What's the richest city in the world?
Feuch e: Dè am baile-mòr as beartaiche air an t-saoghal?
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

Iain, tha thusa air mòran siubhail a dhèanamh. Saoil dè am baile-mòr as beartaiche air an t-saoghal?
John, you have travelled a lot. What is the richest city in the world?

Mas e 'as beartaiche' a thaobh airgid a tha thu a' ciallachadh, 's e Tokyo a th' ann. 'S e baile a tha a' sìor fhàs a th' ann an Tokyo agus tha e inntinneach, beò agus sàbhailte. Ged is e àite trang a th' ann, tha còmhdhail mhath ann. If you mean 'richest' in terms of money, it's Tokyo. Tokyo is a growing city and is exciting, lively and safe. Although it is a busy place, there is good transport.
Am-bliadhna 's e Eabhrac Nuadh a th' ann. This year it's New York.
A thaobh càileachd beatha, chanainn Copenhagen – no Inbhir Nis! For quality of life, I'd say Copenhagen – or Inverness!