Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Carson a tha am baile-mòr air d' fhàgail sgìth?

Take two: Why has the city left you tired?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Tha mi dìreach air tilleadh bhon bhaile-mhòr. Chan eil dòigh eile seo a ràdh ach gu bheil e air m’ fhàgail sgìth. I just came back from the city. There is no other way to say this than it has left me tired.
Carson a tha am baile-mòr air d’ fhàgail sgìth? Why has the city left you tired?
Chan eil e beò! ‘S ann a tha e marbh! Tha mòran de na bùithtean a’ dùnadh – no air dùnadh. It’s not lively! It’s dead! Many of the shops are closing – or have closed.
Bu chòir dhan riaghaltas taic a thoirt do ghnìomhachasan ann am meadhan bhailtean, nach bu chòir? The government should support businesses in city centres, shouldn’t they?
Bu chòir. Agus bu chòir dhan chomhairle taic a thoirt do dhaoine a tha a’ còmhnaidh ann am meadhan bhailtean agus ann an sgìrean bochda cuideachd, nach bu chòir? It should. And the council should support people who live in city centres and in poor areas too, shouldn’t it?
Bu chòir! Feumar taighean a thogail cuideachd. It should! Houses must also be built.
Feumaidh a’ chomhairle barrachd thaighean a thogail. Nach fheum? The council needs to build more houses. Doesn’t it?
Feumaidh. Feumar an togail cho luath ‘s a ghabhas. Yes (it must). They must be built as soon as possible.
Deagh naidheachd, a chàirdean. Tha a’ chomhairle air plana a sgrìobhadh. Good news, friends. The council has written a plan.
Tha fios ‘am. Tha iad air (a) fhoillseachadh air an làraich-lìn aca. Leugh mi mu dheidhinn madainn an-diugh. I know. They have published it on their website. I read about it this morning.
Tha e math sin fhaicinn. That’s good to see.
Agus tha mise cho toilichte sin a chluinntinn. Càit am bi iad air an togail? And I’m so happy to hear that. Where will they be built?
Bidh iad air an togail air ceann a deas a’ bhaile-mhòir air a’ chrios-uaine. They will be built on the south end of the city on the green belt.
Air raon uaine? Fuirich mionaid …! On a greenfield site? Wait a minute …!