Complete for 2 points

Càit am fuiricheadh tu? 2

Where would you live? 2

To make the conditional tense with regular verbs, we add -adh or -eadh to the end of the verb root, following the regular spelling of broad to broad, narrow to narrow.

In the independent form, like the tràth caithte (the past tense), we lenite the beginning of the verb, and add dh’ to verbs that start with vowel or f + vowel.

tog + adhthogadh
ceannaich + eadhcheannaicheadh
imrich + eadhdh’imricheadh
fuirich + eadhdh’fhuiricheadh

Ceistean (questions) or cruthan àicheil (negative forms) can only be lenited when Cha causes it.