Complete for 2 points



There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Àite trang no àite sàmhach? (A busy place or a quiet place?). Let‘s look at some of them again in context.

Dùn Èideann


air sìor fhàs trang

is increasingly busy

a‘ cur thairis leotha

teeming/overflowing with them

prìomh-bhaile (m)

capital (city)

prìsean thaighean

house prices

cho àrd ‘s a bha iad a-riamh

as high as they have ever been.

An ainm an Àigh! (Interj)

For heaven‘s sake!

Glasadh-trafaig (m)

traffic jam

sàmhchair (f)

quietness, silence

gnìomhachd (f)


mar a thograinn fhìn

as I’d please

cèile (m)

partner, spouse, husband, wife, significant other

pìos fearainn

a piece of land

iomall a‘ bhaile

edge of the town

Bidh thu ann am beul a‘ bhaile!

You‘ll be the talk of the town!

Air an dùthaich

in the country

prìsean talmhainn

land prices

cha robh roghainn againn

we had no choice

talamh còmhnard

flat, level ground

pàircean (pl)

parks (also fields)

fearann uaine

green land

raon-donn (m)


gnìomhachas saothrachaidh

manufacturing industry

We‘ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.