SEONAG: Ciamar a tha do dhruim? Bu chòir dhut iòga no pilates a dhèanamh. Tha iad le chèile cho math airson an druim a chumail sùbailte. Neo nas lugha de dh’ùine a chur seachad nad shuidhe aig coimpiutair?
How’s your back? You should do yoga or pilates. They’re both so good for keeping the back supple. Or spend less time sitting at a computer.
MURCHADH: Tha mi a’ cuideachadh Luc le ro-innleachd ùr an ionaid. Tha e fhèin air plana a sgrìobhadh, ach feumar tagraidhean a sgrìobhadh cuideachd. Tha tòrr obrach an sin ach tha mi a’ faireachdainn misneachail às na sgilean agam.
I’m helping Luc with a new strategy for the hub. He’s written a plan, but he needs to write an application as well. There’s a lot of work involved but I’m feeling positive about my support.
SEONAG: Ma dh’obraicheas sin, ’s dòcha gum faigh thu cothrom air slighe-obrach ùr? Tha teagasg air atharrachadh gu mòr bhon a bha mise nam thidsear.
If it’s successful, you might get the chance to try a new career path? Teaching has changed a lot since I taught.
MURCHADH: Tha dùbhlain anns an àrd-sgoil nach eil anns a’ bhun-sgoil. Chan eil e furasta smachd a chumail air òigridh, gu h-àraid nuair nach eil ùidh aca ann am foghlam.
There are challenges in the high school that aren’t in the primary school. It’s not easy to keep young people in check, especially when they’re not interested in education.
SEONAG: Tha foghlam cho cudromach.
Education is important.
MURCHADH: Tha… ach tha iomadh seòrsa foghlaim ann. B’ fheàrr leam gun robh cothrom aig cuid de na sgoilearan agam a bhith ag obair airson greis ann an àite mar seo.
Yes… but there are many kinds of education. I wish some of my pupils had the opportunity to work for a while somewhere like this.
SEONAG: A bheil goireasan gu leòr agaibh?
Do you have enough resources?
MURCHADH: (Laugh) Huh! Chan eil goireasan gu leòr san sgoil no anns a’ choimhearsnachd. Tha a’ chomhairle ag obair air plana leasachaidh. Ach chan eil fios againn cuin a thig càil às. Feumar taighean ùra a thogail.
Huh! There aren’t enough resources in the school or in the community. The council is working on a development plan. But we don’t know when anything will come of it. New houses need to be built.
SEONAG: Cha tachair sin ann an cabhaig.
That won’t happen in a hurry.
MURCHADH: Cha tachair. ’S e plana fad-ùine a bhios ann.
It won’t. it’ll be a long-term plan.
SEONAG: Dh’fhaodadh gu bheil am baile mòr air d’ fhàgail sàraichte? An rachadh tu air ais a Leòdhas?
It’s possible that the city has left you jaded. Would you go back to Lewis?
MURCHADH: Cha deidheadh. Chan e cù-mòintich a th’ unnam tuilleadh. Tha mi nam chù-baile agus bithidh. Tha obair mhath agam an seo ged a tha i dùbhlanach aig amannan. Agus, tha Alfie an seo. (Pause) Agus sibh pèin.
I wouldn’t. I’m not a moor-dog any more. I’m a city-dog and always will be. I’ve got a good job here although it’s challenging at times. And, Alfie’s here. And yourself.
SEONAG: Tha thu air deagh thogail a thoirt do dh’Alfie bho chaill e a mhàthair; bhiodh Iseabail glè mhoiteil às an dithis agaibh. Mo nighean eireachdail – bha ise measail air a’ bhaile mhòr cuideachd.
You’ve brought Alfie up well since he lost his mother; Ishbel would be very proud of both of you. My beautiful daughter – she loved the city as well.
SEONAG: (Pause) Tha mi a’ dol a reic a’ chàir.
I’m going to sell the car.
MURCHADH: Oh a bheil? Carson?
Really? Why?
SEONAG: Chan eil feum agam air. ’S fheàrr leam am baidhg. Tha mi air mo shàrachadh leis na glasaidhean trafaig agus tha am baidhg nas sgiobalta.
I don’t need it. I prefer the bike. I’m fed up of all the traffic jams and the bike is quicker.
MURCHADH: Tha sibh glè cheart. Mur a h-eil e gu feum, chan eil ann ach cosgais.
You’re quite right. If it’s not necessary, it’s only an expense.
SEONAG: Gheibh mi sgillinn no dhà air a shon agus bidh sin feumail nuair a thèid Alfie dhan oilthigh.
I’ll get a penny or two for it and that’ll be helpful when Alfie goes to university.
MURCHADH: Ma thèid Alfie dhan oilthigh.
If Alfie goes to university.