Thall thairis & a-null thairis

Thall thairis & a-null thairis

There are different adverbs of place in Gaelic to talk about ‘going’ and ‘being’ somewhere. If we are ‘going abroad’ we say a’ dol a-null thairis , but if we are talking about ‘being abroad’ we say thall thairis .

thall thairis
abroad (being abroad)
a-null thairis
abroad (going abroad)

We’ve seen a number of different adverbs of place, and how these change forms depending on whether we are talking about ‘being’ somewhere or moving to a place.

Bha mi a-muigh
I was outside
Bha mi a-staigh
I was inside
Bha mi thall thairis
I was abroad
Bha mi a’ dol a-mach
I was going outside
Bha mi a’ dol a-steach
I was going inside
Bha mi a’ dol a-null thairis
I was going abroad