Let's go, then!
Togamaid oirnn ma–thà!
At the end of that conversation we saw an expression in the modh àithneach (imperative mood): Togamaid oirnn ma–thà! (Let's get going then!)
We learned this structure in B1 Cuspair 16 .
But what is am modh àithneach (the imperative mood)?
Well, it's a kind of order, but in a more polite way.
You ask someone to do something.
Rach! | a' dol
Go! going
Let me go
Let us go
Rachadh e
Let him go
Na rachamaid
Let's not go
Faic! | a' faicinn
See! | seeing
Let me see
Let us see
Faiceadh i
Let her see
Na faiceamaid
Let us not see
Òl! | ag òl
Drink! | drinking
Let me drink
Let us drink
Òladh iad
Let them drink
Na òlamaid
Let's not drink