Complete for 2 points

Togamaid oirnn! — Dèanta!

Let’s go! – Dèanta!

Let’s go! – Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:

  • Am modh àithneach sa chiad phearsa | The imperative mood in the first person
  • Deasbad: Am b’ fheàrr leat a bhith aig pàrtaidh no aig an taigh leat fhèin le leabhar no film? | Discussion: Would you rather be at a party or at home alone with a book or a movie?
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms

You should also be confident about:

  • Am modh àithneach sa chiad phearsa | The imperative mood in the first person

You have learnt to talk about Togamaid oirnn! (Let’s go!) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

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