

Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.

A bheil e nas fheàrr a bhith aig pàrtaidh na a bhith aig an taigh leat fhèin le leabhar no film?
Is it better to be at a party than at home alone with a book or a film?
A bheil daoine san latha an–diugh cho furanach ’s a b' àbhaist daoine a bhith?
Are people nowadays as hospitable as people used to be?
A bheil e nàdarra a bhith amharasach mu choigrich?
Is it natural to be suspicious of strangers?
An toil leat a bhith a' campachadh no an fheàrr leat a bhith a' fuireach ann an taigh–òsta?
Do you like camping or do you prefer staying in a hotel?
An deach thu a–riamh a champachadh?
Have you ever gone camping?
An deach thu a–riamh a ghlampachadh (campachadh ann an teant shnog le taigh beag is teas)?
Have you ever gone glamping (camping in a nice tent with a toilet and heat)?
Ma chaidh, cò ris a bha e coltach?
If you did (go), what was it like?
Am fuiricheadh tu ann an ostail?
Would you stay in a hostel?
An do dh'fhuirich thu a–riamh ann an taigh–òsta le còig rionnagan?
Have you ever stayed in a five–star hotel?
An robh e cosgail?
Was it expensive?
Carson a thagh thu an taigh–òsta sin?
Why did you choose that hotel?

Try to use some of the vocabulary, idioms and grammar points we learned in this cuspair, including:

Na leig ort!
Don't pretend!
Tha mi loma làn.
I'm full.
Tha sinn mòr aig a chèile.
We are friendly with each other.
Tha mi buidheach.
I'm full.
'S fheàrr dhomh falbh an–dràsta.
I'd better go just now.