Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Leig leam a dhol dhachaigh!

Take two: Let me go home!

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

An dèidh na bha siud de cheòl is dannsadh, de bhiadh is deoch, tha mi cho làn ri ugh! After all that music and dancing, food and drink, I’m full to the brim (lit. as full as an egg)!
Bha an còmhlan dìreach sgoinneil. Èisteamaid a–rithist riutha (ris)! The band was just great. Let’s listen to them (it) again!
Dhannsamaid bho mhoch gu dubh. We would dance from dawn to dusk.
Nach dannsamaid bho chiar gu camhanaich, a chàirdean? Let’s dance from dusk to dawn, friends?
Chan eil an oidhche ach òg fhathast! The night is only young yet!
‘S fheàrr dhomhsa falbh. Leig leam a dhol dhachaigh! I’d better go. Let me go home!
Ceart ma–thà. Faiceam an àireamh fòn sin a–rithist agus gheibh mi tagsaidh. Falbhamaid còmhla. Right then. Let me see that phone number again and I’ll get a taxi. Let’s leave together.
Ach mus fhalbh sinn, itheam spàineag bhrochain! Leig leam spàineag bhrochain ithe, mas e do thoil? But before we go, let me eat a wee spoonful of porridge! Let me eat a wee spoonful of porridge, please?
Tha mi duilich a ràdh nach eil brochan sam bith air fhàgail. Bha fèill mhòr air! I’m sorry to say there’s no porridge left. It was very popular!
Tha fhios agamsa dè a dhèanamaid. I know what we could do.
Dè a dhèanamaid, ma–thà? What could we do, then?
Rachamaid dhachaigh còmhla agus dèanamaid bobhla bhrochain dhut, Iain. Let’s go home together and let’s make you a bowl of porridge, John.
Nach dèanamaid poit mhòr agus itheamaid ar leòr sa mhadainn cuideachd! Let’s make a big pot and let’s eat our fill in the morning as well!
Deagh bheachd! Togamaid oirnn, ma–thà! Good idea! Let’s get going, then!