The imperative mood
Am modh àithneach
We use am modh àithneach (the imperative mood) to [make a request] suggest an action? rather than give an order or demand someone to do something:
Dèanamaid sin
Let's do that!
Itheam e
Let me eat it
Èisteamaid a–rithist ris!
Let's listen to it again!
We use the verb leig (let, allow) and the preposition le (with) in more informal situations to say the same thing, more or less:
Leig leam dinnear a dhèanamh.
Let me make dinner.
Leig leotha sin ithe.
Let them eat that.
Cuir na h–abairtean seo dhan Ghàidhlig a' cleachdadh a' mhodha àithnich .
Let's leave together! |
Let's eat cake! |
Let him dance from morning to night! |
Let me listen to it! |
Agus seo dhut na freagairtean! And here are the answers!
Let's leave together!
Falbhamaid còmhla!
Let's eat cake!
Itheamaid cèic!
Let him dance from morning to night!
Dannsadh e bho mhoch gu dubh!
Let me listen to it!
Èisteam ris!
Translate these phrases into Gaelic leig and le .
Let's leave together! |
Let's eat cake! |
Let him dance from morning to night! |
Let me listen to it! |
Agus seo dhut na freagairtean! And here are the answers!
Let's leave together!
Leig leinn falbh còmhla!
Let's eat cake!
Leig leinn cèic ithe!
Let him dance from morning to night!
Leig leis dannsa(dh) bho mhoch gu dubh!
Let me listen to it!
Leig leam èisteachd ris.