I'm happy to hear …
Tha mi toilichte a chluinntinn …
Tha mi toilichte a chluinntinn gu bheil | nach eil … (I'm glad to hear that … | that isn't …) is a very common and useful expression, but it contains a grammar point that is worth looking at.
Read this little conversation below first:
Tha mi toilichte a chluinntinn gu bheil i nas fheàrr a–nis.
I'm pleased to hear that she is better now.
Tha is mise. Sin an naidheachd a bha sinn ag iarraidh a chluinntinn.
So am I. That's the news (that) we wanted to hear.
Bu toil leam snàmh anns an loch an dèidh a' chlas.
I would like to swim in the loch after class.
And remember we saw this earlier:
Chaidh Iain a shnàmh.
John went swimming.