This is the news we wanted to hear
Seo an naidheachd a bha sinn ag iarraidh a chluinntinn
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Trobhadaibh, a chàirdean. Tha am biadh deiseil!
Come on, friends. The food is ready!

Seo an naidheachd a bha sinn ag iarraidh a chluinntinn.
This is the news we wanted to hear.

Ceart ma–tha, Iain! Tha mi toilichte a ràdh gu bheil biadh ann am pailteas aca an seo!
Right then, John! I am happy to say that they have plenty of food here!

Tha mise toilichte a chluinntinn gu bheil biadh gu leòr an seo cuideachd. Tha an t–acras gam tholladh! Saoil, a bheil brochan aca?
I'm pleased to hear that there's plenty of food here too. I'm absolutely starving! I wonder if they have porridge?

Tha mi duilich a ràdh nach bi brochan ri fhaighinn.
I'm sorry to say that porridge will not be available.

Tha thu ag iarraidh orm a chreidsinn nach eil iad a' tabhann brochan aig a' phàrtaidh seo. An e an fhìrinn a th' agad?
You want me to believe that they don't offer porridge at this party. Are you telling the truth?

Chan e. Cha robh mi ach a' tarraing asad! Siud am bobhla air a' bhòrd!
No. I was just teasing (you)! There's the bowl on the table!

An do dh'iarr thu air Mairead is Dòmhnall brochan a dhèanamh dhomh?
Did you ask Mairead and Donald to make porridge for me?

Dh'iarr. Tha sinn mòr aig a chèile. Tha mi toilichte a ràdh gun dèanadh iad rud sam bith dhomh. Tha iad cho gasta.
I did (ask). We are very friendly. I am happy to say that they would do anything for me. They are so fine.

Glan fhèin! Tapadh leatsa, a Mhairead! Tapadh leatsa, a Dhòmhnaill!
rilliant (really great)! Thank you, Margaret! Thank you, Donald!

Sin thu nist’, Iain. Nach sguir thu a bhith a' gearain mu rudan a bha thu ag iarraidh ithe?!
There you go, John. Won't you stop complaining about things you wanted to eat?!

Sguiridh! Sguiridh gu dearbh.
I will (stop)! I will (stop) indeed.

An gabh thu tuilleadh, Iain?
Will you have more more, John?

Cha ghabh. Tha mi buidheach, tapadh leat.
I won't (have). I'm full up, thank you.