I must admit that I haven't read the book yet!
Feumaidh mi aideachadh nach do leugh mi an leabhar fhathast!
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
Feumaidh mi aideachadh nach do leugh mi
I must admit that I haven't read the
an leabhar
the book
an cuireadh
the invitation
a’ chairt–phuist
the post–card
an leabhran–fiosrachaidh
an duilleachan
a’ bhileag
an sanas
the advert
Seo an naidheachd a bha
This is the news that
sinn an dùil
we were expecting
iad ag iarraidh
they were wanting
mi a’ miannachadh
I was longing
i a’ dùileachadh
she was expecting
eagal orm
I was scared
a’ toirt togail dhomh
lifted my spirits
a chluinntinn.
to hear.