I'm happy to say …
Tha mi toilichte a ràdh …
Deiseil? | Ready?
In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Tha mi toilichte a ràdh … (I'm happy to say …).
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- Tha mi duilich a chluinntinn gu bheil … | I am sorry to hear that …
- Gnàthasan | Idioms
You will also learn about:
- buadhairean sealbhach le ainmearan gnìomhaireach – ais-thilleadh is ro-thilleadh | possessive adjectives with verbal nouns – analepsis and prolepsis
Is math an t-aoigh a thig sonas ri linn.
A good guest brings good luck.