MacNeil of Barra's Feast 1

Cuirm MhicNìll Bharraigh 2

Èist a–rithist ris an rann anns a' chlàradh agus leugh an seo e:

Is mithich dhuinne bhith a' triall
À Barraigh chrìon nach eil pailt,
'S na sligean ag innse sgeul
Gu bheil Clann 'ic Nìll nan airc.
Theirear iasg ri iasg mòr,
Theirear iasg ri iasg beag,
Theirear nead ri nead a' gheòidh,
'S ri nead an fhionnain–fheòir mar spiod.

An toil leibh an rann a sgrìobh Mac 'ic Ailein?Do you like the verse Mac 'ic Ailein wrote?
A bheil sibh ga thuigsinn ceart gu leòr?Do you understand it alright?

There are other versions of the verse, some of which you can find here:

The Clan Donald (bhon Internet Archive)

An Gaidheal (bho Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h–Alba)

The MacDonald Collection of Gaelic Poetry (bho Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h–Alba)

It's well worth taking a look at them. You don't need to spend too much time on this.
Do you see any differences between them?