Complete for 2 points

Chuir Seonag na glainneachan air mo chùlaibh

Joan put the glasses behind me

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

Chuir Seonag na glainneachan

Joan put the glasses
air mo chùlaibh behind me air do chùlaibh behind you air a chùlaibh behind him/it air a cùlaibh behind her/it air ar cùlaibh behind us air ur cùlaibh behind you (pl) air an cùlaibh behind them air cùlaibh a’ bhùird behind the table

agus shuas air sgeilp.

and up on a shelf.

An tèid Seonaidh a shnàmh anns an loch

Will Jonny go to swim in the loch
às m’ aonais without me às d’ aonais without you às aonais without him/it às a h–aonais without her/it às ar n–aonais without us às ur n–aonais without you (pl) às an aonais without them às aonais uidheamachd without equipment

as t–samhradh?

in the summer