Take two: He did that without his breakfast!
An dàrna turas: Rinn e sin às aonais a bhracaist!
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

Thuirt mi ris: 'Na bi a' dol a shnàmh às m' aonais, tha mi airson tighinn còmhla riut!'.
I said to him: 'Don't go swimming without me, I want to come with you!'.

Agus dè rinn e?
And what did he do?

Chaidh Iain a shnàmh tràth sa mhadainn—às m' aonais. An uair sin chaidh e a dhìreadh a' bhruthaich air cùlaibh an taighe—leis fhèin. Mu dheireadh, chaidh e a ruith airson dà uair—san uisge!
John went swimming early in the morning—without me. Then he went to climb the slope behind the house—alone. Finally, he went running for two hours—in the rain!

Bhiodh e doirbh a dhol a–mach gu pàrtaidh no cèilidh an dèidh sin, cuiridh mi geall!
It would be hard to go out to a party or a ceilidh after that, I'll bet!

Bhitheadh! Agus rinn e sin às aonais a bhracaist!
It would (be)! And he did that without his breakfast!

Dè rinn thusa, ma–thà?
What did you do then?

Dh'fhalbh mise, seachd searbh sgìth. Ach cò thàinig chun an dorais ach Eilidh. Dhùisg Iain an uair sin.
I left, fed up (seven times bitter and tired). But who came to the door but Helen. John then woke up.

Haoidh! Tha mi an seo! Agus gu dearbh tha mi nam dhùisg!
Hey! I am here! And of course I'm awake!

An do dh'ith thu nì sam bith mus tàinig thu? Dh'fhàg Fionnlagh tì agus tòst agus brochan dhut.
Did you eat anything before you came? Finlay left tea and toast and porridge for you.

Cha do dh'ith. Cha robh an tì ach flodach. Cha robh an tòst ach fuar, agus cha dèan thu brochan às aonais an t–salainn, an dèan?
I didn't (eat). The tea was lukewarm. The toast was cold, and you don't make porridge without the salt, do you?

Cha b' urrainn dhomh an salann a lorg.
I couldn't find the salt.

Bha e air cùlaibh nam briosgaidean sa phreasa!
It was behind the biscuits in the cupboard!