Complete for 2 points

Tha mi a' dol air ais a chadal

I'm going back to sleep.

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Nach dùisg thu? Won’t you wake up?
Duda? Duda?
Tha sinn a’ dol a choinneachadh ri Anna is Màiri ann am fichead mionaid! We’re going to meet Anna and Màiri in twenty minutes!
Tha mi a’ dol air ais a chadal. I’m going back to sleep.
Chan urrainn dhut! Tha sinn a’ dol a chèilidh air mo nàbaidhean. You can’t! We are going to visit my neighbours.
Tha mi feumach air norrag bheag—dìreach còig mionaidean eile. I need a little nap—just five more minutes.
Faodaidh tu norrag a ghabhail air an rathad dhachaigh! Tha iad a’ toirt aoigheachd dhuinn uile agus feumaidh sinn a dhol ann. You can have a nap on the way home! They are entertaining us all and we must go there.
Nach tèid thu dhan phàrtaidh às m’ aonais? Tha mi cho sgìth. Won’t you go to the party without me? I’m so tired.
Tha mise sgìth ag èisteachd rium fhìn! I’m tired of listening to myself!
Feumaidh sinn cèilidh a chumail uair eile. We have to have a ceilidh another time.
Och! ‘S fheàrr dhomh falbh an–dràsta. Och! I’d better go now.
Tha e math d’ fhaicinn, Fhionnlaigh. It’s good to see you, Finlay.
Sin thu fhèin, Anna. Agus—Iain! Tha e cho math d’ fhaicinn an seo cuideachd—mu dheireadh thall! There you are, Anna. And—John! It’s so good to see you here too—finally!