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Air Aoigheachd

Enjoying hospitality

Aoigheachd (hospitality) means offering food, drink or accommodation to travellers or friends who are visiting you.

The hospitality and tourism industry is a large part of the economy in the Highlands, and to varying degrees, throughout Scotland.

You will receive a warm, hearty welcome if you go to the Highlands on holiday because the Gaels (Highlanders) are known as hospitable people.

This idea can be seen in the expression: Chuir e fàilte is furan orm, mar bu dual do smior a’ Ghàidheil (He treated me with every show of warmth, as befitting of a true Gael).

The hospitality industry includes every economic activity that directly or indirectly contributes to, or depends on, travel and tourism.

thoir aoigheachd do chuideigin

give hospitality to someone

air aoigheachd

enjoying hospitality, visiting


visitors’ room, guest room, hospitality suite

Tha Màiri air aoigheachd agam

Màiri is my guest