Complete for 2 points

… a’ dol a chèilidh air …

… going to visit …

How would you translate these phrases into English?

a’ dol a chèilidh air cuideigin 
Feumaidh tu cèilidh a chumail 
Tha e math d’ fhaicinn. 

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean! And here are the answers!

a’ dol a chèilidh air cuideigin

going to visit someone

Feumaidh tu cèilidh a chumail

You must have a cèilidh

Tha e math d’ fhaicinn.

It’s good to see you.


Cuin a thug thu aoigheachd do chuideigin mu dheireadh?

When was the last time you gave hospitality (entertained) someone?

Am bi duine sam bith air aoigheachd agad am–bliadhna?

Will anyone be staying with you this year?

A bheil thu toilichte nuair a thig daoine a chèilidh ort gun fhios a bhith agad ro làimh?

Are you happy when people come to visit you without you knowing beforehand?

Am biodh tu mì–thoilichte nan tigeadh caraid a chèilidh ort leis a’ chù aca?

Would you be unhappy if a friend came to visit you with their dog?

Cò thàinig a chèilidh ort mu dheireadh agus dè cho fada a dh’fhuirich iad?

Who last came to visit you and how long did they stay?