What kind of farms were they?
Dè seòrsa tuathanasan a bh' annta?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Cha robh mo sheanair is mo sheanmhair ach a' solarachadh biadh dhan teaghlach aca fhèin.
My grandfather and grandmother were only providing food for their own family.

Dè bh' aca?
What did they have?

'S e coirce is eòrna a bhiodh aca, mar a bha cumanta air taobh an iar na dùthcha.
They would have oats and barley, as was common in the west of the country.

Rinneadh obair chruaidh air an talamh sna seann làithean. An robh teaghlach mòr aca a bheireadh taic dhaibh?
Hard work was done on the land in the old days. Did they have a large family to help them?

Cha robh, ach fhuaradh taic gu leòr bhon choimhearsnachd. Sin mar a bha e – co–obrachadh gun choimeas. Agus, a' bruidhinn air co–obrachadh, tha co–thuathanachas cumanta air feadh an t–saoghail.
No, but there was enough support from the community. That's how it was – a unique/peerless cooperation/collaboration. And, speaking of co–operation/collaboration, collective farming is common all over the world.

Cha chuala mi sin riamh nam bheatha. Càit a bheil co–thuathanachas cumanta?
I've never heard that in my life. Where is collective farming common?

Tha san Roinn Eòrpa. Agus tha iomadh seòrsa àiteachais ann, nach eil, Fhionnlaigh?
In Europe. And there are many types of farming, aren't there, Finlay?

Chualas beagan mu thuathanachas–malairteach anns na Stàitean Aonaichte le tuathanasan cho mòr ri dùthchannan beaga!
There is reputed to be (’’a little’s been heard about’) commercial farming in the United States with farms as big as small countries!

Chaidh m' uncail Angaidh, bràthair m' athair, fhastadh air tuathanasan mòra air feadh Alba.
My uncle Angaidh, my father's brother, was employed on large farms all over Scotland.

Dè seòrsa tuathanasan a bh' annta?
What kind of farms were they?

'S e tuathanas–bainne a bh' ann am fear dhiubh, faisg air Dùn Phris. Abair gun robh acairean–fearainn aca an sin.
One of them was a dairy farm, near Dumfries. They had acres of land there.

Ach tha tuathanachas a' fulang a–nis. Thogadh bailtean ùra air an dùthaich air talamh–àitich. Chunnacas sin air a' Ghàidhealtachd mar–thà.
But farming is suffering now. New towns were built in the countryside on arable land. That was/has been seen in the Highlands already.

An do rinneadh obair–leasachaidh air a' Ghàidhealtachd?
Has development work been done on the Highlands?

Rinneadh obair–leasachaidh, ach chan eil fhios an do rinneadh leasachadh!
Improvement work was done, but I don't know if improvements were made!