Life in the countryside – Dèanta!

Beatha air an dùthaich – Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:
  • Beatha air an dùthaich | Life in the country
  • Coltas na dùthcha – gnàthasan le FO | Appearance of the countryside – idioms with FO (?)
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms
You should also be confident about:
  • gnìomhairean staideach | stative verbs
  • an roimhear FO | the preposition FO
  • gnìomhairean riaghailteach (a–rithist): an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | regular verbs (again): past/future/conditional
Math dha–rìribh! You have learnt to talk about Beatha air an dùthaich (Life in the countryside) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you're doing? Why not move on to talk about Àiteachas Seasmhach (Sustainable farming)?