A precious legacy
Dìleab phrìseil
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha e agam an àiteigin am broinn an taighe! No 's dòcha gu bheil e san t–seann bhàthaich shuas an rathad. Och, càit a bheil e?
I have it somewhere inside the house! Or maybe it's in the old byre up the road. Oh, where is it?

Dè tha thu a' lorg?
What are you looking for?

Tha mi air tòir an t–seann tairsgeir a bh' aig mo sheanair. Tha an comann eachdraidh ga iarraidh airson taisbeanadh an t–samhraidh. Thug mi dhaibh a' chas–chrom aig mo shìn–sheanair mar–thà.
I'm looking for my grandfather's old tairsgeir (peat–spade). The historical society wants it for the summer exhibition. I already gave them my great–grandfather's cas–chrom (foot plough).

Saoil a bheil e san iodhlann air a' chroit a bh' aca?
I wonder if it is in the yard/stackyard on the croft they had?

Cha do smaoinich mi air a sin! Deagh bheachd.
I didn't think of that! Good idea.

Cò mu dheidhinn a tha an taisbeanadh am-bliadhna?
What is the exhibition about this year?

'S ann mu dheidhinn Àiteachas agus Àrainneachd a bhios e.
It will be about Agriculture and the Environment.

Ach abair beatha chruaidh a bh' aig daoine! Theireadh mo sheanmhair, 'Tha sinn fallain ma tha biadh math nar broinn.'
But what a hard life people had! My grandmother would say, 'We are healthy if we have good food inside us.'

Chan eil e buileach cho furasta na làithean seo nas motha. Ach tha fios ’am. Sna seann làithean, rinneadh an dìcheall an talamh–àitich a dhèanamh torrach. Nam biodh daoine faisg air a' mhuir, thrusadh iad feamainn airson a cleachdadh mar thodhar.
It's not quite so easy these days either. But I know. In the old days, best efforts were made to make the arable/cultivable land fertile. If people were near the sea, they would gather seaweed to use as fertiliser.

Bhiodh mo sheanmhair air tìr–mòr a' ruith às dèidh na cartach a' feuchainn ris an innear–each fhaighinn airson a' ghàrraidh aice!
My grandmother on the mainland would run after the cart trying to get the horse manure for her garden!

Agus san àm a dh'fhalbh, rachadh daoine chun na h–àirigh as t–samhradh. Cha robh mòran ghoireasan aca a–muigh an sin, ach thuirt mo sheanmhair gum b' e siud an t–àm as bòidhche leatha na h–òige – làithean–geala!
And in the past, people would go to the sheiling in the summer. They didn't have many facilities out there, but my grandmother said that was the most beautiful time of her childhood/youth – happy days!

Abair beatha chruaidh a bh' aig daoine, ach abair dòigh–beatha a bha math a bh' ann dha na daoine a thigeadh nan dèidh – dìleab phrìseil.
What a hard life people had, but what a good way of life it was for the people who came after them – a precious legacy.