There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Làraichean eachdraidheil (Historic sites). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
Beagan eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd
Some [a little] Highland history
‘S e Caisteal Eilein Donnain an làrach eachdraidheil a b’ fheàrr leis
His favourite historic site was Eilean Donan Castle
Aithnichte air feadh an t–saoghail
Well–known worldwide
Làraichean eachdraidheil
Historic sites
Taobh a–muigh a’ bhaile thadhail e air
Outside the city he visited
Làrach a’ bhlàir ainmeil
The site of the famous battle
Blàr Chùil Lodair
The Battle of Culloden
Tha an t–uabhas eachdraidh san làraich sin fhèin
There’s an awful lot of history in that site itself
Eachdraidh na h–Alba, na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Gàidheal
The history of Scotland, the Highlands and of the Gaels
Fiù ‘s far an robh iad—san Eilean—
Even where they were—in Skye [the Island]—
… aig na Dòmhnallaich
… of the MacDonalds
Sgeulachdan dhen bhana–ghaisgich Sgàthach.
Stories of the warrior (woman) Sgàthach.
Dè mu dheidhinn Gleann Comhann …
What about Glencoe …
… far an do thachair Murt Ghleann Comhann ann an 1692?
… where the Massacre of Glencoe happened in 1692?
Thug Na Dòmhnallaich seachad aoigheachd is coibhneas dhan luchd–tadhail aca
The MacDonalds gave hospitality and kindness to their visitors
Fhuair iad am bàs fo làimh nan Caimbeulach
They were killed by the Campbells
Abair sgeul, abair eachdraidh, abair bròn!
What a story, what history, such sorrow!
Cha mhòr nach do dhìochuimhnich mi
I almost forgot (about)
Inbhir Lòchaidh
Far an deach dà bhlàr a chur thar nan linntean.
Where two battles were fought over the centuries.
… air a bheil mise dèidheil
… that I like
… far nach deach blàr a chur
… which hasn’t had a battle on it
… cho fad ‘s is aithne dhomh
… as far as I know
Tursachan Chalanais
The Callanish stones
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.