Complete for 2 points



There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Ciamar a tha a’ dol dhut? (How are you getting on?). Let’s look at some of them again in context. 


rescuers (rescue services, emergency services)

fichead uair nas fheàrr

twenty times better

an dèidh dhomh na pilichean ùra a ghabhail

after taking the new pills

(an dèidh dhomh) deagh oidhche chadail fhaighinn

(after) getting a good night’s sleep

am broinn an ospadail

inside the hospital

‘S tu fhèin a thuirt e!

You said it!

Is gann as urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn …

I can hardly believe …

a bhròinein

(you) poor soul [male].

Tha mi a’ toirt fa–near

I realise, I consider, I understand


careful, attentive, mindful, responsible, anxious

nach mi a tha taingeil

amn’t I (am I not) grateful

an dèidh dhomh dà oidhche a chur seachad

after spending two nights

fon cùram

in their care

an dèidh dhut an dotair fhaicinn

after seeing the doctor


Let’s go!

We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.