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Complete for 2 points



Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.

Am biodh còraichean cho math aig luchd–obrach mura biodh aonaidhean–ciùird air iomairt a dhèanamh air an son?

Would workers have such good rights if trade unions had not campaigned for them?

A bheil companaidhean mòra eadar–nàiseanta a’ lagachadh còraichean an luchd–obrach?

Are large international companies undermining the rights of the/their workers?

A bheil saoghal na h–obrach a’ dol am miosad an–dràsta?

Is the world of work getting worse at the moment?

An gabh atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde a sheachnadh fon t–siostam eaconamach a th’ againn an–dràsta?

Is climate change avoidable under our current economic system?

Am bu chòir do chead a bhith aig luchd–obrach a dhol air stailc?

Should workers be allowed to strike?

A bheil tuarastal bith–beò riatanach airson cothromachd?

Is a living wage essential for fairness (equality)?