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Complete for 2 points

Iarr air agus faighnich de/do

Ask for and ask of

Tha dà ghnìomhair eile a tha coltach ri chèile ach air an cleachdadh ann an diofar shuidheachaidhean—iarr (want, ask for) agus faighnich (enquire).

Ma tha sinn ag iarraidh gun dèan cuideigin rudeigin, cleachdaidh sinn iarr (air/oirre), ach ma tha sinn a’ faighneachd ceist no airson fiosrachadh fhaighinn, cleachdaidh sinn faighnich (de/do).

Dh’iarr mi oirre a h–ainm a sgrìobhadh.

I asked her to write her name.

Dh’fhaighnich mi ceist dha/dheth.

I asked him/her a question.

Iarraidh mi orra tighinn a–steach.

I will ask them to come in.

Faighnichidh mi dhi dè an t–ainm a th’ oirre.

I will ask her what her name is.

Dh’iarr iad orm taic a thoirt dhaibh.

They asked me to help/support them.

Dh’fhaighnich mi dha/dheth a bheil fios aige …

I asked him if he knows …

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.

Am bi thu a’ stad ann am Peairt nuair a bhios tu a’ dràibheadh gu Inbhir Nis?

Do you stop in Perth when driving to Inverness?

An do sguir thu de dh’obair a–riamh?

Did you ever quit a job?

An do dh’iarr thu a-riamh air cuideigin obair/cosnadh a thoirt dhut?

Did you ever ask someone to give you a job?

Am faighnich thu ceist mun leasan seo?

Will you ask a question about this lesson?