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Complete for 2 points

Stad an seo, agus sguir dheth!

Stop here, and stop it!

We have learned that we have to be careful how we use some of the verbs in Gaelic.

Not every verb is the same in every language.

We saw how different fàs (grown, become) is in Gaelic, and that we don’t use faigh (get) as we use get in (Standard) English, although Scottish English perhaps reflects it more closely.

Here we are going to look at other verbs that need our attention.

Stad and sguir (de) both mean ‘stop’, but we use stad with motion and sguir (de) with actions:

Stad sinn aig a’ bhanca.

We stopped at the bank.

Stad an sin!

Stop there!

Stad an càr!

Stop the car!

Nach stad sinn anns a’ Ghearasdan?

Will/Shall we stop at Fort William?

Am faod sinn stad airson biadh?

Can we stop for food?

Chuir sinn stad air an obair aig 8f.

We stopped (ended) work at 8pm.

Feumaidh sinn sgur a dh’obair.

We have to stop working.

Thuirt an dotair ris gum feum e sgur a dh’obair.

The doctor told him he had to stop working.

Bhruidhinn i gun sgur.

She spoke without stopping.

Sguir dheth!

Stop it!

Feumaidh tu sgur a smocadh.

You must stop smoking.

Sguir sinn den obair aig 8f.

We stopped (the) work at 8pm