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Dè na duilgheadasan… ?

What are the difficulties… ?

Read the article again and answer these questions.

Carson nach eil Ionad Cùraim Èiginneach Ospadal Phort Rìgh fosgailte tron t–seachdain?

Why is Portree Hospital’s Urgent Care Centre not open during the week?

Chaidh buidheann–strì ainmeachadh san artaigil. Cò iad?

A pressure group was named in the article. Who are they?

Dè na duilgheadasan a th’ air a bhith ann?

What problems have there been?

Dè bh’ aig NHS na Gàidhealtachd ri dhèanamh le cuid de dhreuchdan?

What did NHS Highlands have to do with some positions?

Cò ris an do choinnich NHS na Gàidhealtachd bho chionn ghoirid gus planaichean a mhìneachadh?

Who has NHS Highland met recently to explain (their) plans?

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean! | And here are the answers!

Carson nach eil Ionad Cùraim Èiginneach Ospadal Phort Rìgh fosgailte tron t–seachdain?Why is Portree Hospital’s Urgent Care Centre not open during the week?

Ri linn gainnead luchd–obrach.

Because of staff shortages.

Chaidh buidheann–strì ainmeachadh san artaigil. Cò iad?A pressure group was named in the article. Who are they?



Dè na duilgheadasan a th’ air a bhith ann?What problems have there been?

Dìth thaighean do luchd–obrach.

Lack of housing for staff/workers.

Dè bh’ aig NHS na Gàidhealtachd ri dhèanamh le cuid de dhreuchdan?What did NHS Highlands have to do with some positions?

Bha aca ri dreuchdan a shanasachd a–rithist.

They had to advertise positions again.

Cò ris an do choinnich NHS na Gàidhealtachd bho chionn ghoirid gus planaichean a mhìneachadh?Whom has NHS Highland met recently to explain (their) plans?

Choinnich iad ri riochdairean coimhearsnachd anns an Eilean Sgitheanach.

They met community representatives in Skye.