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Carson a bhiodh e mì–iomchaidh?

Why would it be unsuitable?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Chan eil fhios agam a bheil obair mar sin cho iomchaidh. Saoil a bheil e mì–iomchaidh? I don’t know if a job like that is so appropriate/suitable. Do you think it’s unsuitable?
Carson a bhiodh e mì–iomchaidh? Why would it be unsuitable?
‘S iad na rudan a bhiodh agam ri dhèanamh san obair sin a tha a’ cur dragh orm. Feumar ceannardas! Feumaidh mise ceannardas a nochdadh! It’s the things I would have to do in that job that worry me. It requires leadership (lit. leadership is needed)! I have to show leadership!
Air do shocair, Anna! Nach robh thu a’ nochdadh ceannardas nad obair roimhe, mar thidsear agus mar mhanaidsear sa ghnothachas ùr aig an oilthigh? Take it easy, Anna! Did you not show leadership in your previous work, as a teacher and as a manager in the new business at the university?
‘S dòcha gun robh. Ach ‘s e inbhe eile a tha seo. An lùib dreuchd mar sin bhiodh tòrr obrach ùr ri dhèanamh. Maybe I did. But this is another level. Such a role would involve a lot of new work.
Dè tha ceàrr air a sin? What’s wrong with that?
Bhiodh tòrr obrach ùr agamsa ri dhèanamh. Agamsa! I would have a lot of new work to do. Me!
Och nach ist thu! Tha thu a cheart cho comasach ri duine sam bith eile! Thoir sùil eile air a’ chunntas–beatha agad! Bheirinn teisteanas math dhut! Oh be quiet! You are just as capable as anyone else! Take another look at your CV! I’d give you a good reference!
Bidh aithisgean rin sgrìobhadh. Bidh aithisgean agamsa ri sgrìobhadh! Bidh iarrtasan–maoineachaidh rin deasachadh. There will be reports to be written. I will have reports to write! There will be funding applications to be prepared.
Bha deuchainnean rin deasachadh nuair a bha thu a’ teagasg, nach robh? There were exams to be prepared when you were teaching, weren’t there?
Bha gu dearbh. There were indeed.
Agus bha pàipearan–deuchainne rin ceartachadh, nach robh? And there were examination papers to be corrected, weren’t there?
Bha. Bha pàipearan–deuchainne gu leòr agam ri cheartachadh. There were. I had plenty of examination papers to correct.
‘S ann a tha sinn air a bhith a’ bruidhinn mu/air sgilean gluasadach an sin! Agus tha iad agad ann am pailteas! Well we have been talking about transferable skills there! And you have them in abundance!