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Complete for 2 points

Sgeama peinnsein no spionnadh às ùr?

A pension scheme or renewed vigour?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Sin thu fhèin, Iain! An dearbh fhear. Tha ceann agad airson rudan ionmhais, cunntasachd is goireasan daonna (GD). Nach toir thu beagan taic dhomh? There you are, John! (It’s yourself, John!) The very man. You have a head for finance, accounting and human resources (HR)! Won’t you give me a bit of help?
Bheir gu dearbh. Dè tha a dhìth ort? Of course I will. What do you need?
Uill, ged is e cùmhnant làn–ùine a th’ agam mar mhanaidsear aig an oilthigh ‘s e cùmhnant làn–ùine sealach a th’ ann. Mar sin, bidh mi a’ crìochnachadh san dreuchd seo an ath–mhìos agus tha mi an tòir air obair eile. Well, although I have a full–time contract as a manager at the university it is a full–time temporary contract. So, I will be finishing this post next month and I am looking for another job.
Nach eil sgrìobhadh is teagasg gu leòr dhut? Is writing and teaching not enough for you?
Chan eil fhios ’am an till mi gu teagasg. Bha m’ athair ga dhèanamh fad bhliadhnaichean agus aig an deireadh, cha robh esan ach sgìth. Nuair a thill e dhan chroit fhuair e spionnadh às ùr. Agus peinnsean math! Agus ‘s e sin a tha dhìth ormsa! I don’t know if I will return to teaching. My father did it for years and at the end, he was just tired. When he went back to the croft he found renewed vigour (energy anew). And a good pension! And that’s what I need!
Dè tha dhith ort? Sgeama peinnsein no spionnadh às ùr? What do you need? A pension scheme or renewed vigour?
Bhiodh na dhà dhiubh math dha–rìribh! Ach chan eil mi cho sean ri sin! Both of them would be really good! But I’m not that old!
Fuirich gus am faic sinn! Tha mi air, agus chunnaic mi seo: Stiùiriche Cruthachail aig an Lasair ann an co–bhonn ri Riaghaltas na h–Alba. Gheibhear mion–fhiosrachadh mun chùmhnant air an làraich aca. Dè do bheachd? Wait till we see! I’m on, and I saw this: Creative Director at the Flame in association with the Scottish Government. Details of the contract can be found on their site. What do you think?
Tha sin inntinneach agus freagarrach, saoilidh mi. Dè seòrsa cùmhnant a th’ ann ge–tà? That’s interesting and appropriate/suitable, I think. What kind of contract is it though?
‘S e cùmhnant pàirt–ùine maireannach a th’ ann. Ach chan eil an aon uimhir de shaor–làithean sa chùmhnant, mar bu dual. It’s a part–time permanent contract. But there is not the same number of holidays in the contract, as you’d expect.
Tha mi mothachail air a sin. San latha a th’ ann feumar na saor–làithean a ghabhail sa bhliadhna air neo thèid an call. Ach le obair pàirt–ùine, bidh e nas fhasa—uaireannan—na làithean sin a ghabhail leis nach bi an t-aon uallach ort. I’m aware of that. These days the holidays must be taken within the year or they will be lost. But with a part–time job, it’s easier—sometimes—to take those days because you don’t have the same responsibility (workload).
Chanainn gum biodh sin comasach cuideachd nuair a bhios tu ag obair làithean pàirt–ùine—seach uairean pàirt–ùine a h–uile latha. I’d say that would also be possible when you work part–time days—rather than part–time hours every day.
Sin e dìreach! Ma dh’fhaoidte gum biodh an dreuchd sin iomchaidh. Bhiodh ùin’ agam airson sgrìobhadh an uair sin cuideachd. Dè eile a tha iad ag ràdh mun obair? That’s it! Perhaps that position would be suitable. I would have time to write then as well. What else do they say about the job?
Tha tuarastal math ann. Bidh iad a’ pàigheadh gu cunbhalach. Thèid do phàigheadh dìreach dhan chunntas bhanca agad air an latha–obrach mu dheireadh de gach mìos—mar a shaoileadh tu! There’s a good salary. They pay regularly. You’ll be paid straight into your bank account on the last working day of every month—as you would expect!