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Complete for 2 points

A bheil beachd agad…?

Do you have an idea…?

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking friend, you could do this together. It will be fun—siuthad!

A bheil beachd agad cò tha air bàsachadh?

Do you have an idea who has died?

An robh a’ chlann uile brònach nuair a chuala iad an naidheachd?

Were all the children sad when they heard the news?

Carson a tha thu den bheachd sin?

Why do you think that?

Dè an càirdeas a th’ ann eadar Tormod beag agus Malag, nad bheachd-sa?

What is the relationship between little Norman and Malag, in your opinion?

An do chòrd an sgeulachd riut?

Did you like the story?

A bheil an sgeulachd seo a’ toirt ort a bhith a’ smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn làithean d’ òige?

Does this story make you think about your childhood/younger days?

An do thìodhlaic thu beathach a-riamh agus a bheil cuimhne agad air na faireachdainnean a bh’ agad aig an àm?

Have you ever buried an animal and do you remember the feelings you had at the time?

A bheil thu ag aontachadh ris an loidhne mu dheireadh?

Do you agree with the last line?

There were many new (Uist) words in that story. Do you keep a notebook or file to note/keep new vocabulary? It’s well worth it!