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Aon Fheasgar

One Afternoon

We are going to read here the short story by Pòl MacAonghais (Paul MacInnes) ‘One Afternoon (One Evening)‘.

The beginning of the story can be seen here and the rest can be read on 6B Duilleag Obrach.

Cha robh Tormod ach naoi, ach an-diugh bha cudrom eagalach air laighe air a spiorad òg.

Shocraich e e fhèin air cloich chruinn air cùl na cruaiche agus dh’fheith e gus an nochdadh càch.

Dè chanadh iad?

Dè chanadh iad nuair dh’innseadh e dhaibh?

Saoil am biodh Dòmhnall Ruadh nam breacadh-seunain a’ magadh air ‘s a’ tarraing às?

‘S cinnteach gum bitheadh.

‘S e Dòmhnall bu shine den chloinn mun cuairt ‘s bha e tuilleadh is bragail uaireannan.

Nach robh Malag ag ràdh dìreach a-raoir fhèin gun robh a h-uile duine a’ toirt an aire cho mì-mhodhail ‘s a bha e a’ fàs ‘s gum bu chiatach do athair beagan ceannsachaidh a dhèanamh air.

Norman was only nine, but today a fearful weight had alighted on his young spirit.

He settled himself on a round stone on the behind the peat-stack and waited for the others to appear.

What would they say?

What would they say when he told them?

Would freckle-faced Dòmhnall Ruadh make fun of him and tease him?

He surely would.

Dòmhnall was the oldest of the children around and he was too bold (cocky) sometimes.

Wasn’t Malag saying just last night that everyone was noticing how rude he was getting and that it was high time his father reined him in a bit (lit. it would be a good thing for his father to practise a little discipline on him).