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Complete for 2 points

Clàsan roimhearach

Prepositional clauses

We saw the structure clàs roimhearach (prepositional clause) at level B1.

This is a structure in which the preposition comes before a clause in the sentence.

We have to use an cruth eisimeileach (the dependent or question form) of the verb.

Tha Beileag, boireannach air am bi mi a’ tadhal gach latha a’ dol gu dachaigh cùraim a dh’aithghearr.

Bella, a woman I visit every day is going to a care home soon.

When we use a preposition to link the first part of the sentence with a clause, we need to use the dependent (question form) of the verb.

Sin an dùthaich + Chaidh sinn dhan dùthaich sin as t-samhradh.

That’s the country + We went to that country in the summer.

Sin an dùthaich dhan deach sinn as t-samhradh.

That’s the country we went to this summer.

Sin an tè + Cha robh falt ruadh oirre.

That’s the one + She didn’t have red hair.

Sin an tè air nach robh falt ruadh.

That’s the one who didn’t have red hair.

Is esan am fear + Bruidhnidh mi ris aig an tìodhlachadh.

He is the one + I will talk to him at the funeral.

Is esan am fear ris am bruidhinn mi aig an tìodhlachadh.

He is the one I will talk to at the funeral.

Be careful not to confuse this with questions using cò + preposition, such as: cò às …?, cò thuige …?, cò aige …? and so on.

Here the preposition is part of the question and is followed by the cruth neo-eisimeileach (independent form) of the verb:

Cò am port-adhair às a bheil sibh a’ falbh?

From which airport are you leaving?

Cò às a tha sibh a’ falbh?

From where are you leaving? (Where will you be leaving from?)

Cò an duine ris an robh thu a’ bruidhinn?

Who is the person to whom you were talking?

Cò ris a bha thu a’ bruidhinn?

To whom were you talking? (Who were you talking to?)

How would you combine the sentences below using a prepositional clause? Maybe grab a pen/pencil and paper!

Thoir an leabhar seo do ur nàbaidh Sìne. + Thachair mi rithe aig a’ phàrtaidh an-dè.

Give this book to your neighbour Jane. + I met her at the party yesterday.

‘S e Rònaigh an t-ainm air an eilean. + Thèid mi dhan eilean a-rithist as t-samhradh.

Rònaigh is the name of the island. + I will go to the island again this summer.

An e seo a’ bhùth? + Cha cheannaich thu rud sam bith anns a’ bhùth seo.

Is this the shop? + You will not buy anything in this shop.

Sin an taigh. + Chan fhuiricheamaid ann ach dà oidhche nuair a bha sinn beag.

That’s the house. + We would only stay there for two nights when we were little.

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!

And here are the answers!

Thoir an leabhar seo do ur nàbaidh Sìne.+ Thachair mi rithe aig a’ phàrtaidh an-dè.

Thoir an leabhar seo do ur nàbaidh Sìne ris an do thachair mi aig a’ phàrtaidh an-dè.

Give this book to your neighbour Jane whom I met at the party yesterday.

‘S e Rònaigh an t-ainm air an eilean.+ Thèid mi dhan eilean a-rithist as t-samhradh.

‘S e Rònaigh an t-ainm air an eilean dhan tèid mi a-rithist as t-samhradh.

Rònaigh is the name of the island I will go to again this summer.

An e seo a’ bhùth? + Cha cheannaich thu rud sam bith anns a’ bhùth seo.

An e seo a’ bhùth anns nach ceannaich thu rud sam bith?

Is this the shop in (from) which you will not buy anything?

Sin an taigh.+ Chan fhuiricheamaid ann ach dà oidhche nuair a bha sinn beag.

Sin an taigh anns nach fhuiricheamaid ach dà oidhche nuair a bha sinn beag.

That’s the house in which we would only stay for two nights when we were little.