Complete for 2 points

Air sgàth na h-àrainneachd …

Because of the environment …

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

Air sgàth na h-àrainneachd, bu chòir dhuinn uile a bhith

Because of the environment, we should all be
a’ fuireach live a’ coiseachd walking a’ dràibheadh driving a’ siubhal travelling a’ baidhseagalachd cycling a’ ruith running a’ cluich playing a’ ceannach buying a’ coinneachadh meeting ag ionnsachadh learning ag obair working a’ coiseachd nan uinneagan window shopping

ann am bailtean-mòra.

in cities.

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic-speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.

Smaoinich air an àite far a bheil thusa a’ fuireach agus air na slatan-tomhais a chleachd an EIU.

Think about where you live and the criteria used by the EIU.

Smaoinich air a’ bhaile no àite far a bheil thusa a’ fuireach, a’ beachdachadh air seasmhachd phoilitigeach is eaconamach, air dè cho fad air falbh ‘s a tha seirbheisean slàinte is dè cho math ‘s a tha iad, dè tha ri dhèanamh sa bhaile, dè cho math ‘s a tha na sgoiltean agus am bun-structar.

Think about the town or place where you live, considering political and economic stability, how far away health services are and how good they are, what there is to do in town, how good are the schools and infrastructure.

Dè an sgòr a-mach as a’ cheud a bheireadh tu don bhaile agad fhèin?

What score out of a hundred would you give your own town?