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Cleachdaidhean bàis agus tìodhlacaidh ann an Uibhist a Deas

Death and funeral customs in South Uist

Listen to a short excerpt from this recording.


Remember: you can change the speed in the settings as well.

There is a transcription available on the same page.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the whole piece! Tha thu a’ dèanamh fìor math—you’re doing really well!

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In this recording, Alasdair Boyd talks to Calum Iain McLean about death and burial customs in South Uist.

In this part of the recording, we will hear how people would prepare for the funeral.

a’ tuiream


air am piocadh

picked (selected)




poles, spikes for pulling the bier/coffin

This is the order in which the practices would occur.

Bhiodh a’ chiste a’ dol a-steach dhan taigh

The coffin would go into the house

Bhiodh am pìobaire a’ tòiseachadh

The piper would start playing

Bhite a’ cur an duine anns a’ chiste

The person would be placed in the coffin

Bhiodh iad a’ cur na ciste air a’ chrò-leapa

They would put the coffin on the bier

Rachadh iad deiseil air an taigh

They would go clockwise, sunwise round the house