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An dàrna turas: Dìth airgid aig a' chomhairle

An dàrna turas: The council's lack of money

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Tha mi làn–chreidsinn gur e dìth airgid aig a’ chomhairle a dh’adhbharaich a’ bhreith neo–chiontach sin! I fully believe that the council’s lack of money caused that not–guilty verdict!!
A bheil thu glic? Chaidh Cìs na Comhairle a chur suas am-bliadhna, nach deach? Are you daft (lit, are you wise)? The Council Tax was raised this year, wasn’t it?
Chaidh gu dearbh. Ach chan e sin an trioblaid. Of course it did. But that’s not the problem.
Dè idir a tha thu a’ ciallachadh? What on earth do you mean?
Cuirear cìsean sìos agus lùghdaichear seirbheisean poblach. Cuirear cìsean suas agus meudaichear seirbheisean poblach. Nach ann mar sin a bhitheas e? Taxes will be/are lowered and public services are/will be reduced. Taxes are/will be raised and public services are/will be increased. Isn’t that how it is?
Chan ann! Roimhe sin, nuair nach robh airgead gu leòr aig na comhairlean, chaidh seirbheisean poblach a lùghdachadh gu mòr, gu h–àraidh sa bhaile–mhòr. No it isn’t! Before that, when the councils didn’t have enough money, public services were greatly reduced, especially in the city.
Seadh. Glè mhath, thuige seo. Ach nach fhaodar cùisean a thilleadh chun na h–aon ìre ’s a b’ àbhaist? Yes. Very good, so far. But can’t things return to the same level as before?
Faodar. Ach chaidh seirbheisean poblach a lùghdachadh agus bheir e ùine gus am bi cùisean air ais mar a bha iad. They can. But public services have been reduced and it will take time for things to return to normal.
Tha mi leat a–nis. Mar sin, chan e a–mhàin camarathan–tèarainteachd a dh’fhulaing. Dè na seirbheisean eile a dh’fhulaing san eadar–ama? I’m with you now. Therefore, (it’s) not only security cameras (that) suffered. What other services have suffered in the interim?
Mar as trice, ‘s iad na rudan a bhios a’ libhrigeadh co–ionnanachd sa h–uile dòigh a bhios a’ fulang. Usually, it’s the things that deliver equality in every way that suffer.
Sin e dìreach. ‘Chan fheumar’ airgead a chosg air ‘rudan a bharrachd’, mar gnothaichean culturach—no ioma–chultarach—no goireasan chur–seachadan! That’s it exactly. It is ‘not necessary’ to spend money on ‘extra’ things, such as cultural—or multicultural—matters, or leisure (recreational) facilities!
Sin na nithean a tha misneachail is brosnachail do dhaoine. Agus chaidh a dhearbhadh gu bheil na rudan sin cudromach do shlàinte–inntinn is do shlàinte phoblach. Those are the which which are encouraging and motivating for people. And these things have been proven to be important to mental health and public health.
Air an làimh eile, feumar prìomhachas a thoirt do thaigheadas is fhoghlam, dà rud a tha riatanach do cho–ionannachd. On the other hand, priority must be given to housing and education, two things that are essential to equality.
Aig a’ cheann thall, ‘s cinnteach gur e soirbheas dhaoine ceann–amais nan cìsean is seirbheisean poblach. In the end, surely it’s the well–being/prosperity of the people that is the primary aim of taxes and public services.