Complete for 2 points

Seirbheisean poblach

Public services

The news often reports on public services.

Local councils are responsible for providing public services.

As part of their work, the councils should communicate with the people of the area, to keep them informed about the services that are being delivered, and the taxes that are being raised.

If councils, or the news, are writing about services, there is a good chance that a passive structure will be used.

Bidh na naidheachdan gu tric ag aithris air seirbheisean poblach.

‘S ann air comhairlean ionadail a tha an dleastanas seirbheisean poblach a thabhann.

Mar phàirt den obair aca, bu chòir dha na comhairlean conaltradh a dhèanamh ri muinntir na sgìre, airson fios a chumail riutha mu na seirbheisean a thathar a’ lìbhrigeadh, is na cìsean a thathar a’ togail.

Ma tha comhairlean, no na naidheachdan, a’ sgrìobhadh mu sheirbheisean, tha deagh theans gun cleachdar structar fulangach.

Local councils are responsible for providing public services.

As part of their work, the councils should communicate with the people of the area, to keep them informed about the services that are being delivered, and the taxes that are being raised.

If councils, or the news, are writing about services, there is a good chance that a passive structure will be used.

We looked again at some of the passive structures we learned in Cuspair 2, and we saw verbs in the passive voice in the past tense in Cuspair 3.