Complete for 2 points

Cabadaich le caraid

Chat with a friend

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.

Dè na rudan nach fhaodar dèanamh nuair a bhios tu a’ dràibheadh?

What are the things not permissible while driving?

Am feumar cead–siubhail ma bhios tu a’ siubhal a dhùthaich chèin?

Is a passport required if you travel to a foreign country?

Dè a dh’fheumar a dhèanamh gus a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh gu ìre àrd?

What must be done to learn Gaelic to a high level?