Read this excerpt from BBC Bitesize. There is some new vocabulary at the end.
Tha na h–adhbharan airson eucoir iomadh–fhillte.
Faodaidh cùisean leithid bochdainn, droch thogail, cion fèin–mhisneachd, deoch–làidir agus mì–chleachdadh dhrogaichean a bhith co–cheangailte ri daoine a bhith a’ briseadh an lagha.
Tha cuid de dhaoine nas buailtiche a dhol an sàs ann an eucoir air sàilleibh an seòrsa suidheachadh anns an deach an togail.
Tha cuid de dhaoine a’ cur dleastanas air an neach fhèin airson dèanamh cinnteach nach eil iad a’ briseadh an lagha.
Tha iad a’ creidsinn gu bheil na daoine a tha ri eucoir a’ taghadh a bhith ga dhèanamh.
‘S e ‘individualists‘ a chanas sinn ri daoine a tha den bheachd seo.
Fon fheallsanachd seo, ma nì cuideigin eucoir agus ma thèid an glacadh, feumaidh iad gabhail ris a’ pheanasachadh air a bheil iad airidh.
Air an làimh eile, tha ‘collectivists‘ den bheachd nach eil ar comann–sòisealta co–ionann agus gu bheil cuid de dhaoine nas buailtiche a bhith a’ dol an sàs ann an eucoir.
Dh’fhaodadh nach e an neach fhèin gu tur as coireach airson seo ach an teaghlach no an caraidean.
A rèir ‘collectivists‘, ma thathar a’ dol a lùghdachadh eucoir, feumar sùil a thoirt air na h–adhbharan a tha air a chùlaibh seach dìreach a bhith a’ coimhead ris an eucoir fhèin.
The reasons for crime are complicated.
Issues such as bochdainn (poverty), droch thogail (poor upbringing), lack of fèin–mhisneachd (self–confidence), deoch–làidir (alcohol) and mì–chleachdadh dhrogaichean (misuse of drugs) can be associated with people breaking the law.
Some people are nas buailtiche (more likely) to get involved in crime because of the type of situation in which they were brought up.
Some people put the onus on the person themself to make sure they are not breaking the law.
They believe that the people who commit crimes are choosing to commit it.
We call people who hold this opinion ‘individualists’.
Under this philosophy, if someone commits a crime and is caught, they must accept the punishment they deserve.
On the other hand, ‘collectivists’ believe that our society is not equal and that some people are more likely to engage in crime.
It may not be the person themself who is completely responsible for this, but their family or their friends.
According to ‘collectivists’, if crime is to be reduced, it is necessary to look at the reasons behind it rather than just looking at the crime itself.
be inclined to, liable to
mì–chleachdadh dhrogaichean
misuse of drugs
self–confidence, self–esteem