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In this recording, Ailig MacAmhlaigh (Alexander MacAulay) talks to Coinneach MacÌomhair (Kenneth MacIver) about an area in Glasgow that had a bad reputation for crime and violence.
ann an lag
in a hollow
Ailig MacAmhlaigh (Alexander MacAulay) told us why the Blackhill area had a bad reputation:
‘Other places in Glasgow had a bad reputation of course, but I don’t think there was a place so small that had so many criminals and thieves and as much bad stuff going on as there was in Blackhill.’
Listen to the recording again and answer these questions.
Dè am beachd a bh’ aig Ailig MacAmhlaigh air sgìre a’ Chnuic Dhuibh (Blackhill)?
What was Ailig MacAmhlaigh’s (Alexander MacAulay’s) opinion of the Blackhill area?
Dè na goireasan a bh’ ann am Blackhill?
What facilities were there in Blackhill?
Cò ris a bha na taighean coltach anns an àite?
What were the houses like in the area?
Seo dhut na freagairtean! | Here are the answers!
‘S e ‘àite salach eucoireach’ a bh’ ann.
It was ‘a criminal, dirty place’.
Thuirt Ailig gun robh ‘aon sreath bhùithtean ann. Bha sia bùithtean ann anns an t–sreath a bha sin. Sin uile.’
Ailig said that there was ‘one row of shops. There were six shops in that row. That’s all.’
‘S e taighean matha a bh’ ann am Blackhill.
They were good houses in Blackhill.